Monday, June 20, 2011


We re-produce here a letter written by the chairman on behalf on Sintar group to the police


Kami merujukkan perkara vandaliseme pagi ini dimana seorang penduduk sekali lagi membuat kacau dan membawa kerosakan harta benda kami. Kes ini dilaporkan kepada polis melalui repot no. Kepong/008053/11.

2. Saya bagi pihak AJK mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada Tuan OCS yang mengaturkan pertolongan serta merta dan juga berjaya menyelesaikan satu masalah lama dari segelintir penduduk yang bersikap negatif terhadap usaha persatuan penduduk.

3 Gerakan pertolongan itu memang berkesan, mula-mulanya En Azmi (plain cloth police) sampai ke pondok kurang dari sepuluh minit selepas saya habis bercakap dengan Tuan OCS, ini memang apa yang dijanji oleh IGP berkenaan turn-around time. Kehadiran polis di saat saat kritikal amat sangat dihargai oleh pengawal wanita berkenaan.

Selepas pengurus syarikat keselamatan membuat laporan polis resmi Inspecktor Jefri Faizal b Jimi Sham(I17834) pun serta-mertanya buat follow-up dan datang ke pondok bertemuduga pengawal kami pada jam 4.10 petang. Walau Inspektor Jefri sanggup berjumpa penduduk itu untuk menasihatkan penduduk itu malangnya ianya tiada di rumah.

4. Bila dimaklumkan penduduk itu sudah kembali Inspektor Jefri terus datang kemari menjumpainya, Inspektor Jefri talipon saya pada jam 5.44 petang mengesahkan berjaya menasihatkan penduduk itu.

5. Bagi persatuan kami masalah penduduk ini tertimbul beberapa tahun dulu dan tidak dapat mengatasinya ; dan sekarang ini hanya beberapa jam selepas laporan kami pihak polis sudah berjaya menasihatkan penduduk itu agar terima peranan pengawal keselamatan adalah sebenar-benarnya untuk kebaikan masyarakat.

Kami percaya perkara ini tidak akan berjalan begitu lancar kalau bukan oleh kerana professionalisme Inspektor Jefri, maka dengan ini kami merakamkan penghargaan setinggi-tingginya kepada beliau dan tidak lupa juga bantuan En Azmi di saat saat kritikal kepada pengawal wanita kami.

6. Akhirnya kami juga mengucapkan syabas diatas kerjaya PDRM bukan hanya berjaya mengurangkan jenayah, berjaya menambah rondaan, meningkatkan police presence di Taman kami, bahkan juga berikthiar menolong / memperbaiki perhubungan penduduk dengan persatuan kami.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Residents Feedback - Social Activities

In previous posting we listed down Peruntukan bagi Kegiatan Sosial dan Kemasyarakatan and Kemudahan Rekreasi dan Dewan Orang Ramai, the focus of this posting is purely for inviting feedback as to what types of social activities would residents like to see in and around our Taman

We list down of the expenditure headings as found in the DBKL Budget document to sort of suggest to residents to look out for any needs in their place such types of activities and then blog them under this posting for us to collate.

Of course residents could feedback other related issues not just confined those listed below:-

aktiviti gotong-royong
program motivasi remaja
program motivasi wargamas
program motivasi golongan miskin / ibu tunggal
program keusahawanan kepada penjaja penjaja kecil
program berkhatan cuti sekolah
program kembali ke sekolah

Residents Feedback - Environment

In previous posting we listed down Kemudahan Taman Taman, for Taman Bukit Maluri which is strategically located in the city, we are very lucky indeed to be able to access to a few large public parks e.g the Taman Tasik Manjalara, FRIM, Bukit Kiara etc. But however the focus of this posting is confined to only Taman Tasik Manjalara and the few smaller ones found in Taman Bukit Maluri i.e. Neighbourhood Park in Jln Brg Kasawari, the fields in Jln 7/37B and Jln Brg Balam.

We list down of the expenditure headings as found in the DBKL Budget document to sort of suggest to residents to look out for any needs of improvement in these parks then blog them under this posting for us to collate. It would be useful detailed location of the repair, upgrade be indicated too.

Of course residents could feedback other related issues e.g. health & hygience, and not just confined those listed below:-

menaiktaraf kemudahan kemudahan Taman Tasik Manjalara
menanam pokok pokok

Residents Feedback - Security

In previous posting we listed down Perbelanjaan Pembangunan and Penyelenggaraan Infrastruktur, but for our Taman Bukit Maluri which is more than 30 years old, the few public areas have already been utilised, and the situation is unlikely to change in the near future so our focus for this section of the survey would be to look at the security well-being of the Taman linked to the neighbourhood development (both structurally or socio-economically)

We list down of the expenditure headings as found in the DBKL Budget document to sort of suggest to residents to look out for any needs in their place of improvement, upgrade whatever and then blog them under this posting for us to collate.

Of course residents could feedback other related issues not just confined those listed below:-

perlaksanaan Local Agenda 21
perlaksanan NKRA- mempertingkatkan ciri ciri keselamatan di laluan pejalan kaki

Residents Feedback - Traffic

In previous posting we listed down Perbelanjaan Pembangunan and Penyelenggaraan Infrastruktur, but for our Taman Bukit Maluri which is more than 30 years old, the few public areas have already been utilised, and the situation is unlikely to change in the near future so our focus for this part of the survey would be to look at general traffic condition, transportation infrastructure.

We list down of the expenditure headings as found in the DBKL Budget document to sort of suggest to residents to look out for any such need in their place for repair, upgrade whatever and then blog them under this posting for us to collate. It would be useful detailed location of the repair, upgrade be indicated too.

Of course residents could feedback other related issues not just confined those listed below:-

menaikpulih jalan dan longkang
mempertingkatkan lorong lorong sisi dan belakang
menaiktaraf siarkaki, pemasangan lampu-lampu awam di lorong lorong belakang
kerja memperkukuhkan cerun-cerun tanah runtuh
penanaman pokok pokok
kemudahan untuk orang kurang upaya

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Residents Feedback - General

In early April 2011, DBKL held a seminar for all registered residents associations in Kuala Lumpur City for dissemination of few important policies of the government.

As a follow-up we invited YB Lim Lip Eng (Segambut MP), Segambut Area Manager of DBKL, and our counterparts in Tmn Manjalara and Sunway SPK to discuss the DBKL Budget 2011 with the view of developing within the residents associations some form of mechanism to gather residents feedback and submit them to DBKL for inclusion into the city budgetary planning in future.

Consistent with the RA Objectives, we now create a few postings to gather residents feedback, it would be ideal that this blog could manage to pull together all sorts of views, demands, criticisms, compliments and most of all suggestions how to make Tmn Bkt Maluri a better place to live.

For that purpose we shall list down some of the city's budgetary headings for residents reference when making suggestions
Perbelanjaan Pembangunan
Penyelenggaraan Infrastruktur
Kemudahan Taman Taman
Peruntukan bagi Kegiatan Sosial dan Kemasyarakatan
Kemudahan Rekreasi dan Dewan Orang Ramai
We look forwards to receiving residents feedback