Comment on Existing Condition
Facility secured to the floor by screws but some of them (esp the swing) have been loosen for a long while already(recently some maintenance like greasing, cement footing added)
Gymnastic facility not enough as more adults are using the park than children
On weekends, people are playing badminton every available flat space esp near the gymnastic facility
Children are also cycling around
Suggestions for Improvement
3.1 Playground facility / equipment should be regularly re-painted, checked for structural soundness
3.2 Construct an additional gymnastic facility to cater for more adult users (than just children only)
3.3 Special request for handicapped children from Beacon Life Training Centre
Comment on Existing Condition
Visitors are required to pay to use the public toilet; recently the cleaners even resorted to switching off the lights to inconvenience users
Sewage system is obviously faulty it stinks near the toilet though they are cleaned daily by the contractor
Suggestions for Improvement
4.1 DBKL to instruct contractor to stop collecting extra fees from visitor; and arrange for more frequent check / suction of sewage
4.2 Construct an additional toilet at hill top or alternatively allow users to use toilets in the Pusat Komuniti Manjalara by opening up the latter’s side gate
4.3 Construct NEW wash basins (at least ten units within the Park) to encourage hygiene especially to children
Look out for more feedbacks on Rest Areas, Trees, Disabled Friendliness etc
I thought the facility is meant for Menjalara Residents only!