Friday, September 10, 2010



日期 / 时间 :- 25/9/10 (星期六) 晚上八点
地点 :- 马鲁里居协会所(Jln Brg Kasawari)

本理事会鼓励全部居民等出席此交谈会, 一来可以更加了解甲洞警局各种改组详情, 也可以借此机会听取马鲁里各保安单位面对的各种挑戰和整个花园的治安情况。这一切都会直接或间接影晌我们的日常生活。

交谈会另一目的是让居民向警方发问各种对罪恶, 周围治安, 地方安宁的有关问题, 包括本身与警方的经验或困境。居民可以用方言发言。

最后我们希望得到会员大力支持, 和热烈出席这些官民交流活动,


We are are pleased to advise that the next Police Dialogue is as follows:-

Date / Time:- 25th September 2010 (Saturday) 8.00pm
Place:- Dewan Persatuan Penduduk (Jln Brg Kasawari)

We encourage all residents to join the Dialogue to know more about what are some recent changes in the Balai Polis Kepong, what is happening in Tmn Bkt Maluri and how all these shall impact our daily lives.

Better still if you have any issues, any suggestions or any personal experience which you would like to raise with the police so that they serve to contribute / improve the overall safety, security & well-being of the township, then come to the Dialogue speak your mind.

As a suggestion your issues should be related to crime situation, public area’s safety, neighbourhood issue or even personal experience with the police. 

Look forward to seeing more residents in the Dialogue.


知悉吉隆坡2020大蓝图有建筑有盖行人道的计划, 我们理事会却主动向市政局申请在甲洞火车站建筑一条有盖行人道方便火车乘客在较舒适的情况下步行回到马鲁里花园。在大蓝图的概念里有盖行人道的主要目标是提供乘客在利用不同公共交通时的一种连接。

虽然市政局接纳我们的申请, 由于部份地段可是火车局的私人地, 我们得另外向火车局申请建筑同一有盖行人道来连接市政局有意在市政局的地段起的有盖行人道。

在火车局的申请书里我们将会提出现有的行人道严重欠修的情形, 例如杂草丛生, 沟渠和灯光问题。

此通告除了要预先通知有关居民和乘客以外, 我们也希望通过这管道敬请居民留意以下事项:-

1.    此项申请可能须一些时间才能得到批准,
2.    假如批准了, 动工建人行道期间肯定会带来一些不便,
3.    假如居民有任何意见, 提议, 请来函



When we got to know that covered walkways and connectivity of different modes of transport are parts of the DBKL 2020 Master Plan, we took the initiative to write to DBKL for the construction of a covered walkway from the Kepong railway station for commuters from Tmn Bkt Maluri.

Initial response from DBKL was that whilst they could consider the construction of a covered walkway on that plot of land belonging to DBKL, but for meaningful connectivity we are required to submit a separate application to KTM for their approval to construct another covered walkway in that part of the private land belonging to KTM to provide the necessary connectivity.

When writing to KTM we may bring the attention to the poor maintenance of the existing walkway so much so the thick undergrowth, poor lightings, non-existent drainage has made the use of the pathway uncomfortable and unsafe.

The reason for this circular is to keep residents around Jalan Garuda or daily commuters informed of the plans pursued by the Residents Association and to seek your understanding that not only this application might take a while to materialize and but more importantly when construction work were to start there shall be some inconvenience to the commuters and the residents nearby.

Lastly if you have any comment, feedback to this proposal, please feel free to email us at or blog to us .