Thursday, August 25, 2011


In this final section of the survey blog we shall list feedback on Disabled Friendliness, Pond, Water Creatures and Wildlife

Comment on Existing Condition
There is no special facility for the disabled at all; rightly or wrongly, many stroke patients are coming to the Park for cheap rehabilitation exercise.
There are also some schools catered for children of special needs bring their students there too
Suggestions for Improvement
7.1 DBKL should seriously consider constructing host of disabled friendly facility starting from car park, toilet, steps (of lower height), hand railing and benches
7.2 DBKL should consider special request for handicapped children from Beacon Life Training Centre 

Comment on Existing Condition
The 2 fountains have long failed coupled with that the fact that water fall is not reliable too, the oxygenation process is non-existent thus no fish could survive; even the tortoise population is dwindling.
The water near the suction pump for the waterfall stink as such the vapour generated at the waterfall is smelly too especially in the early morning
There was a pair of white geese flying around the pond, it added much life in the park but unfortunately they disappeared, said to be stolen.
Leaves and tree branches got into the pond but not retrieved thus clogging the pumps(recently cleaners are using their blower to blow the leaves into the pond)
Suggestions for Improvement
8.1 Immediately repair or replace faulty pumps for the fountains
8.2 Check the suction pump for the waterfall
8.3 DBKL should consider experimenting mud-ball approach to re-vitalise the quality of water in the pond
8.4 DBKL should consider introducing either suitable plants or creatures in the ponds to help improving water quality e.g. lotus flower, hardy fishes, water fowl.
8.5 DBKL should take special efforts to attract more birds (see example of the birds sanctuary in Metropolitan Park) , squirrels into the Park; now the visitors don’t even mind the company of some poisonous snakes because of the absence of others.



In this blog we shall post findings on Rest Areas, Wakaf, Benches, Trees, Flower & Nature Preservation

Comment on Existing Condition
Generally acceptable
Suggestions for Improvement
5.1 Construct more benches at mid-way along the steep slopes (esp Steep Track 1) for those in need of rest
5.2 Construct more NEW benches around the top of the waterfall, presently people sit on the boulders to enjoy the lake view  

Comment on Existing Condition
Sad to note more & more trees decayed or uprooted by weather resulting a barren, neglected outlook and it has been a long while DBKL had stopped planting flowers in the Park
The plot next to the reservoir has been ‘hijacked’ by resident to plant cash crop, otherwise that area is badly maintained with thick undergrowth although a good sanctuary for wildlife it also allows breeding of snakes
Beyond the wall at the hill top, lallang are growing uncontrolled, if no action is taken to stop it, very soon the hilltop might turn into lallang patch too.
Suggestions for Improvement
6.1 It is noted DBKL is replanting trees from a seedling stage presumably for better grip in due course, but that should be done more widely.
6.2 DBKL should allocate funds for replenishment of flowers or plant hardy flowers around the Park
6.3 DBKL should consider taking action against encroachment and then develop that plot of land for more tracks for the adventurous.
In the next final section of the survey, we shall list findings on Diasbled Friendliness, Pond, Water Creatures, Wildlife


Further to the earlier blog, we now list the residents feedback & recommendation on Children Playground facility, Overall Cleanliness

Comment on Existing Condition
Facility secured to the floor by screws but some of them (esp the swing) have been loosen for a long while already(recently some maintenance like greasing, cement footing added)
Gymnastic facility not enough as more adults are using the park than children
On weekends, people are playing badminton every available flat space esp near the gymnastic facility
Children are also cycling around

Suggestions for Improvement

3.1 Playground facility / equipment should be regularly re-painted, checked for structural soundness
3.2 Construct an additional gymnastic facility to cater for more adult users (than just children only)
3.3 Special request for handicapped children from Beacon Life Training Centre 


Comment on Existing Condition
Visitors are required to pay to use the public toilet; recently the cleaners even resorted to switching off the lights to inconvenience users
Sewage system is obviously faulty it stinks near the toilet though they are cleaned daily by the contractor
Suggestions for Improvement
4.1 DBKL to instruct contractor to stop collecting extra fees from visitor; and arrange for more frequent check / suction of sewage
4.2 Construct an additional toilet at hill top or alternatively allow users to use toilets in the Pusat Komuniti Manjalara by opening up the latter’s side gate
4.3 Construct NEW wash basins (at least ten units within the Park) to encourage hygiene especially to children

Look out for more feedbacks on Rest Areas, Trees, Disabled Friendliness etc


In this & subsequent 3 blogs we shall post the survey results of what the residents in this area wish to see as improvement to the park, have you made yourself heard? If not, blog to us

1.     PARKING

Comment on Existing Condition
Except for security (which is lacking) otherwise generally OK, but because of limited bays, visitors are compelled to park by the road-side
A container TEU  has been left in the car park made shortage of parking lot worse
Suggestions for Improvement
1.1 Improve Security (presence of guards preferably) including better lightings at internal car parks
1.2 Tarmac or simply make interlocking blocks for larger section of the road-shoulders next to the Park (present stretch badly damaged & water retention too) to generate more parking lot.
1.3 To initiate discussion with adjacent mosque and also the Pusat Komuniti to open car parks to public as well.
1.4 Tow away the disused TEU container 


Comment on Existing Condition
Footpath (esp next to toilet, and next to tai chi area, and also at hill top) badly damaged due to soil movement, elsewhere the Recently Added Track at hill top very slippery when wet.
Existing Lights damaged (not repaired)
One jetty declared unsafe near collapsing
Some part of the lake without railings may be dangerous to young children
Grass turf next to Playground #1 completely soaked by leaking underground piping, rendering the footpath slippery
Part of the drain covers were replaced, elsewhere drains covers are either missing or badly deformed, many covers were stolen too

Suggestions for Improvement
2.1 Urgently repair footpaths wherever there is crack, uneven surface.
2.2 Urgently construct anti-slip features in Recently Added Track and add hand railings for better grip either going up or coming down all other steep sections of Steep Tracks 1 to 4
2.3 Urgently repair collapsing jetty
2.4 Construct a NEW footpath to provide safer walk for those visitors taking short-cut from Syabas reservoir to Steep Track # 2
2.5 Construct NEW railings by lakeside especially flat sections easily accessible by children
2.6 Regular checks & repair lightings
2.7 Repair leaking underground piping near Car Park 2
2.8 Complete the exercise of replacing all metal drain covers with the reinforced plastic types to discourage pilferage

Look further for Children Playground, Rest Areas etc