Thursday, May 19, 2011


We have a very unusual phenomenon happening in Sintar area this Tuesday morning, fogging at 4 am in the morning. It is easily recognisable because of the noise it makes.

A resident felt very uneasy about it not just because of the wee hour but more importantly whilst the motor pump was heard there was no smell of mosquito spray nor was any white fog seen.

That being the case we complained to DBKL Hotline, a day later their Jabatan Kesihatan phoned back to confirm it was NOT an approved practice and got reason to believe the culprits may be up to no good, and recommended that we apprehend them. We politely pointed to that En Harun we cannot do so.
As a matter of fact the Sintar Security Unit has alerted the police specifically and requested for immediate assistance (to question them) should they try again whether or not it's daytime or night time

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Calling Dog Owners

We have received a lot of complaints about dog shits; it is disclosed that some of the places the situation have become so bad that it is no longer possible to walk there without dirtying the shoes, or  drive there without running over the poops, and worst of all bring the shit right back to the car porch.

It is also a common knowledge that dogs because of its instinct go back to the same spot to defecate but it is indeed the dog owners who choose not to do the clean-up are THE BIGGEST CULPRITS.

Whilst we obviously respect residents' rights to keep pets, to keep their house compound clean but we also expect those residents to respect others' desire to have their surroundings clean so that their children can freely walk around, or drive up to their own porch without worrying about dog shit on the tyres.

We therefore appeal to dog owners to scoop the dogs' poops.