火车站到马鲁里花园的有盖人行道 | ||
事情经过 | ||
2010 八月 | 居协向吉隆坡市政局申请建立两条有盖人行道, 连接火车站和帝沙广场的巴士站为乘客提供便利 | |
2010 九月 | 居协也同时向铁道局作同一申请, 不过得不到他们的考虑 | |
不过居协趁机提出人行道缺乏基本安全措施 (例如草丛,灯光和视线受阻) | ||
2011 六月 | 吉隆坡市政局只能 建我们所申请的部份有盖人行道 | |
完全建立所申请的有盖人行道受到政府经费和沟渠排水法令限制 。那两间角头屋中间实在是大沟渠, 有法令限制建立永久建筑物 | ||
以上资询是由马鲁里居民协会所提供 | ||
************************ ************************************ | ||
调查和註册表格 | ||
填妥后将表格投入候车处的居协信箱 | ||
请删除以下其中一选择 | ||
我 ( 同意 / 不同意 ) 向市政局重申建立另一段有盖人行道 | ||
我 ( 同意 / 不同意 ) 参于大扫除 ( 12/11/2011, 星期六, 早上九点) | ||
姓名 | 须要有30名自愿者我们才能举办大扫除, 若要取消我们将用短讯通知 | |
地址 | ||
参加人数 | ||
手提电话 | ||
签名 | ||
日期 | ||
多谢支持; 若欲更加了解居协的活动和其宗旨, 请联络 tbmra2010@gmail.com | ||
Objectives of TBMRA Kepong are:- 1. Uphold / protect members' interest, 2. Ensure security, healthy environment for quality of life, 3. Foster better relationship among residents and 4. Act as the communication channel with relevant authorities. We welcome all residents of Taman Bukit Maluri, Kepong above 18 years of age to become members or participate in various activities to help everyone here in achieving better quality of life
Friday, October 28, 2011
Chronology | ||
Aug. 2010 | Application (as part of the KL 2020 MasterPlan) to Jab. Pengangkutan Bandar (DBKL) for the construction of covered walkways for train & bus commuters at Kepong railway station and bus stop at Desa Complex respectively. | |
Sept. 2010 | Another similar application made to KTM, who declined due to financial constraint | |
Nevertheless lack of safety features in the walkway was highlighted to KTM (e.g. thick bushes, poor lighting, blind corner etc) | ||
June 2011 | DBKL could only construct that part of the covered walkway within KTM land | |
Construction of remainder part of covered walkway (between the two corner houses, which is in fact on top of the main drainage culvert) is implicated by legal requirement of drainage system | ||
Information provided by Persatuan Penduduk Tmn Bkt Maluri, Kepong, KL (2010) | ||
************************ ************************************ | ||
Please complete & return the form into TBMRA box at the waiting platform | ||
Please delete the bracketed words in italics appropriately | ||
I ( AGREE / DISAGREE ) to petition to DBKL for construction of remainder part of covered walkway | ||
I ( AGREE / DISAGREE ) to take part in the Gotong Royong ( 12/11/2011, Saturday, 9am) | ||
Name | Gotong Royong subject to getting at least 30 volunteers, if cancelled, we will advise you by sms | |
Address | ||
No of Persons | ||
Handphone | ||
Signature | ||
Date | ||
Thank you for your supports; for more information about the residents association and its future activities for residents' benefits, please contact us at tbmra2010@gmail.com | ||
Thursday, September 15, 2011
中秋夜, 悠游行
今年中秋的的确确是我们委员会梦想成真的一种经验。在高兴之余我们要衷心感谢各单位帮助实现多年来的愿望, 也成功让参加者留下一个美好的回忆。
首先, 最大功劳的该是甲洞讲堂, 在短期内完善办好各项筹备工作, 当晚动用了数十位义工把礼物, 灯谜, 孔明灯, 月饼排好, 还有礼礼貌貌的把整千个灯笼分派给出席者。当游行完毕后义工们还须侍候月饼和安排幸运抽奖, 好不容易一份差事!
另外值得一提是那三组艺员, 既是花车上的仙女们, 高脚的西游记的主角(真所谓高僧)和舞师队, 他们的出现马上给居民一个耳目一新的感受, 不少长者(和孩童们) 争先恐后和唐三藏拍张照留念, 当然也有很多人在花车旁拍照希望嫦娥也成为他们回忆的一份子。
出席游行的不单有国会议员, 政党代表, 信奉者, 热心赞助人士, 各居协学校和庙堂代表, 马鲁里和附近的居民, 更重要的是一些长者甚至不良以行的年青人在女佣或家人陪同下兴高彩烈参加游行队伍, 顿时享受国泰民安的成果, 一起畅谈历史或传统文化话题。真是一个空前的活动, 最保守的预算是有一千五百人。
由于参加猜灯谜者, 幸这抽奖奖品众多, 当时的紧张气分掀起另一高潮, 一点也不逊色于燃放孔明灯的开幕礼。正当抽奖接近尾声时, 天气突然变环, 下起雨来了, 老天爷似乎要考验义工们, 不过他们不费吹灰之力大伙把场所收拾井井有条并互祝成功一使命。
在此居协委员会再次多谢各单位的支持, 出钱出力的善者仁翁, 居民的出席, 更希望往后的活动, 大家继续支持, 好让马鲁里更成功。
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
In this final section of the survey blog we shall list feedback on Disabled Friendliness, Pond, Water Creatures and Wildlife
Comment on Existing Condition
There is no special facility for the disabled at all; rightly or wrongly, many stroke patients are coming to the Park for cheap rehabilitation exercise.
There are also some schools catered for children of special needs bring their students there too
Suggestions for Improvement
7.1 DBKL should seriously consider constructing host of disabled friendly facility starting from car park, toilet, steps (of lower height), hand railing and benches
7.2 DBKL should consider special request for handicapped children from Beacon Life Training Centre
Comment on Existing Condition
The 2 fountains have long failed coupled with that the fact that water fall is not reliable too, the oxygenation process is non-existent thus no fish could survive; even the tortoise population is dwindling.
The water near the suction pump for the waterfall stink as such the vapour generated at the waterfall is smelly too especially in the early morning
There was a pair of white geese flying around the pond, it added much life in the park but unfortunately they disappeared, said to be stolen.
Leaves and tree branches got into the pond but not retrieved thus clogging the pumps(recently cleaners are using their blower to blow the leaves into the pond)
Suggestions for Improvement
8.1 Immediately repair or replace faulty pumps for the fountains
8.2 Check the suction pump for the waterfall
8.3 DBKL should consider experimenting mud-ball approach to re-vitalise the quality of water in the pond
8.4 DBKL should consider introducing either suitable plants or creatures in the ponds to help improving water quality e.g. lotus flower, hardy fishes, water fowl.
8.5 DBKL should take special efforts to attract more birds (see example of the birds sanctuary in Metropolitan Park) , squirrels into the Park; now the visitors don’t even mind the company of some poisonous snakes because of the absence of others.
In this blog we shall post findings on Rest Areas, Wakaf, Benches, Trees, Flower & Nature Preservation
Comment on Existing Condition
Generally acceptable
Suggestions for Improvement
5.1 Construct more benches at mid-way along the steep slopes (esp Steep Track 1) for those in need of rest
5.2 Construct more NEW benches around the top of the waterfall, presently people sit on the boulders to enjoy the lake view
Comment on Existing Condition
Sad to note more & more trees decayed or uprooted by weather resulting a barren, neglected outlook and it has been a long while DBKL had stopped planting flowers in the Park
The plot next to the reservoir has been ‘hijacked’ by resident to plant cash crop, otherwise that area is badly maintained with thick undergrowth although a good sanctuary for wildlife it also allows breeding of snakes
Beyond the wall at the hill top, lallang are growing uncontrolled, if no action is taken to stop it, very soon the hilltop might turn into lallang patch too.
Suggestions for Improvement
6.1 It is noted DBKL is replanting trees from a seedling stage presumably for better grip in due course, but that should be done more widely.
6.2 DBKL should allocate funds for replenishment of flowers or plant hardy flowers around the Park
6.3 DBKL should consider taking action against encroachment and then develop that plot of land for more tracks for the adventurous.
In the next final section of the survey, we shall list findings on Diasbled Friendliness, Pond, Water Creatures, Wildlife
Further to the earlier blog, we now list the residents feedback & recommendation on Children Playground facility, Overall Cleanliness
Look out for more feedbacks on Rest Areas, Trees, Disabled Friendliness etc
Comment on Existing Condition
Facility secured to the floor by screws but some of them (esp the swing) have been loosen for a long while already(recently some maintenance like greasing, cement footing added)
Gymnastic facility not enough as more adults are using the park than children
On weekends, people are playing badminton every available flat space esp near the gymnastic facility
Children are also cycling around
Suggestions for Improvement
3.1 Playground facility / equipment should be regularly re-painted, checked for structural soundness
3.2 Construct an additional gymnastic facility to cater for more adult users (than just children only)
3.3 Special request for handicapped children from Beacon Life Training Centre
Comment on Existing Condition
Visitors are required to pay to use the public toilet; recently the cleaners even resorted to switching off the lights to inconvenience users
Sewage system is obviously faulty it stinks near the toilet though they are cleaned daily by the contractor
Suggestions for Improvement
4.1 DBKL to instruct contractor to stop collecting extra fees from visitor; and arrange for more frequent check / suction of sewage
4.2 Construct an additional toilet at hill top or alternatively allow users to use toilets in the Pusat Komuniti Manjalara by opening up the latter’s side gate
4.3 Construct NEW wash basins (at least ten units within the Park) to encourage hygiene especially to children
Look out for more feedbacks on Rest Areas, Trees, Disabled Friendliness etc
In this & subsequent 3 blogs we shall post the survey results of what the residents in this area wish to see as improvement to the park, have you made yourself heard? If not, blog to us
Comment on Existing Condition
Except for security (which is lacking) otherwise generally OK, but because of limited bays, visitors are compelled to park by the road-side
A container TEU has been left in the car park made shortage of parking lot worse
Suggestions for Improvement
1.1 Improve Security (presence of guards preferably) including better lightings at internal car parks
1.2 Tarmac or simply make interlocking blocks for larger section of the road-shoulders next to the Park (present stretch badly damaged & water retention too) to generate more parking lot.
1.3 To initiate discussion with adjacent mosque and also the Pusat Komuniti to open car parks to public as well.
1.4 Tow away the disused TEU container
Comment on Existing Condition
Footpath (esp next to toilet, and next to tai chi area, and also at hill top) badly damaged due to soil movement, elsewhere the Recently Added Track at hill top very slippery when wet.
Existing Lights damaged (not repaired)
One jetty declared unsafe near collapsing
Some part of the lake without railings may be dangerous to young children
Grass turf next to Playground #1 completely soaked by leaking underground piping, rendering the footpath slippery
Part of the drain covers were replaced, elsewhere drains covers are either missing or badly deformed, many covers were stolen too
Suggestions for Improvement
2.1 Urgently repair footpaths wherever there is crack, uneven surface.
2.2 Urgently construct anti-slip features in Recently Added Track and add hand railings for better grip either going up or coming down all other steep sections of Steep Tracks 1 to 4
2.3 Urgently repair collapsing jetty
2.4 Construct a NEW footpath to provide safer walk for those visitors taking short-cut from Syabas reservoir to Steep Track # 2
2.5 Construct NEW railings by lakeside especially flat sections easily accessible by children
2.6 Regular checks & repair lightings
2.7 Repair leaking underground piping near Car Park 2
2.8 Complete the exercise of replacing all metal drain covers with the reinforced plastic types to discourage pilferage
Look further for Children Playground, Rest Areas etc
Monday, June 20, 2011
We re-produce here a letter written by the chairman on behalf on Sintar group to the police
Kami merujukkan perkara vandaliseme pagi ini dimana seorang penduduk sekali lagi membuat kacau dan membawa kerosakan harta benda kami. Kes ini dilaporkan kepada polis melalui repot no. Kepong/008053/11.
2. Saya bagi pihak AJK mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada Tuan OCS yang mengaturkan pertolongan serta merta dan juga berjaya menyelesaikan satu masalah lama dari segelintir penduduk yang bersikap negatif terhadap usaha persatuan penduduk.
3 Gerakan pertolongan itu memang berkesan, mula-mulanya En Azmi (plain cloth police) sampai ke pondok kurang dari sepuluh minit selepas saya habis bercakap dengan Tuan OCS, ini memang apa yang dijanji oleh IGP berkenaan turn-around time. Kehadiran polis di saat saat kritikal amat sangat dihargai oleh pengawal wanita berkenaan.
Selepas pengurus syarikat keselamatan membuat laporan polis resmi Inspecktor Jefri Faizal b Jimi Sham(I17834) pun serta-mertanya buat follow-up dan datang ke pondok bertemuduga pengawal kami pada jam 4.10 petang. Walau Inspektor Jefri sanggup berjumpa penduduk itu untuk menasihatkan penduduk itu malangnya ianya tiada di rumah.
4. Bila dimaklumkan penduduk itu sudah kembali Inspektor Jefri terus datang kemari menjumpainya, Inspektor Jefri talipon saya pada jam 5.44 petang mengesahkan berjaya menasihatkan penduduk itu.
5. Bagi persatuan kami masalah penduduk ini tertimbul beberapa tahun dulu dan tidak dapat mengatasinya ; dan sekarang ini hanya beberapa jam selepas laporan kami pihak polis sudah berjaya menasihatkan penduduk itu agar terima peranan pengawal keselamatan adalah sebenar-benarnya untuk kebaikan masyarakat.
Kami percaya perkara ini tidak akan berjalan begitu lancar kalau bukan oleh kerana professionalisme Inspektor Jefri, maka dengan ini kami merakamkan penghargaan setinggi-tingginya kepada beliau dan tidak lupa juga bantuan En Azmi di saat saat kritikal kepada pengawal wanita kami.
6. Akhirnya kami juga mengucapkan syabas diatas kerjaya PDRM bukan hanya berjaya mengurangkan jenayah, berjaya menambah rondaan, meningkatkan police presence di Taman kami, bahkan juga berikthiar menolong / memperbaiki perhubungan penduduk dengan persatuan kami.
Kami merujukkan perkara vandaliseme pagi ini dimana seorang penduduk sekali lagi membuat kacau dan membawa kerosakan harta benda kami. Kes ini dilaporkan kepada polis melalui repot no. Kepong/008053/11.
2. Saya bagi pihak AJK mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada Tuan OCS yang mengaturkan pertolongan serta merta dan juga berjaya menyelesaikan satu masalah lama dari segelintir penduduk yang bersikap negatif terhadap usaha persatuan penduduk.
3 Gerakan pertolongan itu memang berkesan, mula-mulanya En Azmi (plain cloth police) sampai ke pondok kurang dari sepuluh minit selepas saya habis bercakap dengan Tuan OCS, ini memang apa yang dijanji oleh IGP berkenaan turn-around time. Kehadiran polis di saat saat kritikal amat sangat dihargai oleh pengawal wanita berkenaan.
Selepas pengurus syarikat keselamatan membuat laporan polis resmi Inspecktor Jefri Faizal b Jimi Sham(I17834) pun serta-mertanya buat follow-up dan datang ke pondok bertemuduga pengawal kami pada jam 4.10 petang. Walau Inspektor Jefri sanggup berjumpa penduduk itu untuk menasihatkan penduduk itu malangnya ianya tiada di rumah.
4. Bila dimaklumkan penduduk itu sudah kembali Inspektor Jefri terus datang kemari menjumpainya, Inspektor Jefri talipon saya pada jam 5.44 petang mengesahkan berjaya menasihatkan penduduk itu.
5. Bagi persatuan kami masalah penduduk ini tertimbul beberapa tahun dulu dan tidak dapat mengatasinya ; dan sekarang ini hanya beberapa jam selepas laporan kami pihak polis sudah berjaya menasihatkan penduduk itu agar terima peranan pengawal keselamatan adalah sebenar-benarnya untuk kebaikan masyarakat.
Kami percaya perkara ini tidak akan berjalan begitu lancar kalau bukan oleh kerana professionalisme Inspektor Jefri, maka dengan ini kami merakamkan penghargaan setinggi-tingginya kepada beliau dan tidak lupa juga bantuan En Azmi di saat saat kritikal kepada pengawal wanita kami.
6. Akhirnya kami juga mengucapkan syabas diatas kerjaya PDRM bukan hanya berjaya mengurangkan jenayah, berjaya menambah rondaan, meningkatkan police presence di Taman kami, bahkan juga berikthiar menolong / memperbaiki perhubungan penduduk dengan persatuan kami.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Residents Feedback - Social Activities
In previous posting we listed down Peruntukan bagi Kegiatan Sosial dan Kemasyarakatan and Kemudahan Rekreasi dan Dewan Orang Ramai, the focus of this posting is purely for inviting feedback as to what types of social activities would residents like to see in and around our Taman
We list down of the expenditure headings as found in the DBKL Budget document to sort of suggest to residents to look out for any needs in their place such types of activities and then blog them under this posting for us to collate.
Of course residents could feedback other related issues not just confined those listed below:-
aktiviti gotong-royong
program motivasi remaja
program motivasi wargamas
program motivasi golongan miskin / ibu tunggal
program keusahawanan kepada penjaja penjaja kecil
program berkhatan cuti sekolah
program kembali ke sekolah
We list down of the expenditure headings as found in the DBKL Budget document to sort of suggest to residents to look out for any needs in their place such types of activities and then blog them under this posting for us to collate.
Of course residents could feedback other related issues not just confined those listed below:-
aktiviti gotong-royong
program motivasi remaja
program motivasi wargamas
program motivasi golongan miskin / ibu tunggal
program keusahawanan kepada penjaja penjaja kecil
program berkhatan cuti sekolah
program kembali ke sekolah
Residents Feedback - Environment
In previous posting we listed down Kemudahan Taman Taman, for Taman Bukit Maluri which is strategically located in the city, we are very lucky indeed to be able to access to a few large public parks e.g the Taman Tasik Manjalara, FRIM, Bukit Kiara etc. But however the focus of this posting is confined to only Taman Tasik Manjalara and the few smaller ones found in Taman Bukit Maluri i.e. Neighbourhood Park in Jln Brg Kasawari, the fields in Jln 7/37B and Jln Brg Balam.
We list down of the expenditure headings as found in the DBKL Budget document to sort of suggest to residents to look out for any needs of improvement in these parks then blog them under this posting for us to collate. It would be useful detailed location of the repair, upgrade be indicated too.
Of course residents could feedback other related issues e.g. health & hygience, and not just confined those listed below:-
menaiktaraf kemudahan kemudahan Taman Tasik Manjalara
menanam pokok pokok
We list down of the expenditure headings as found in the DBKL Budget document to sort of suggest to residents to look out for any needs of improvement in these parks then blog them under this posting for us to collate. It would be useful detailed location of the repair, upgrade be indicated too.
Of course residents could feedback other related issues e.g. health & hygience, and not just confined those listed below:-
menaiktaraf kemudahan kemudahan Taman Tasik Manjalara
menanam pokok pokok
Residents Feedback - Security
In previous posting we listed down Perbelanjaan Pembangunan and Penyelenggaraan Infrastruktur, but for our Taman Bukit Maluri which is more than 30 years old, the few public areas have already been utilised, and the situation is unlikely to change in the near future so our focus for this section of the survey would be to look at the security well-being of the Taman linked to the neighbourhood development (both structurally or socio-economically)
We list down of the expenditure headings as found in the DBKL Budget document to sort of suggest to residents to look out for any needs in their place of improvement, upgrade whatever and then blog them under this posting for us to collate.
Of course residents could feedback other related issues not just confined those listed below:-
perlaksanaan Local Agenda 21
perlaksanan NKRA- mempertingkatkan ciri ciri keselamatan di laluan pejalan kaki
We list down of the expenditure headings as found in the DBKL Budget document to sort of suggest to residents to look out for any needs in their place of improvement, upgrade whatever and then blog them under this posting for us to collate.
Of course residents could feedback other related issues not just confined those listed below:-
perlaksanaan Local Agenda 21
perlaksanan NKRA- mempertingkatkan ciri ciri keselamatan di laluan pejalan kaki
Residents Feedback - Traffic
In previous posting we listed down Perbelanjaan Pembangunan and Penyelenggaraan Infrastruktur, but for our Taman Bukit Maluri which is more than 30 years old, the few public areas have already been utilised, and the situation is unlikely to change in the near future so our focus for this part of the survey would be to look at general traffic condition, transportation infrastructure.
We list down of the expenditure headings as found in the DBKL Budget document to sort of suggest to residents to look out for any such need in their place for repair, upgrade whatever and then blog them under this posting for us to collate. It would be useful detailed location of the repair, upgrade be indicated too.
Of course residents could feedback other related issues not just confined those listed below:-
menaikpulih jalan dan longkang
mempertingkatkan lorong lorong sisi dan belakang
menaiktaraf siarkaki, pemasangan lampu-lampu awam di lorong lorong belakang
kerja memperkukuhkan cerun-cerun tanah runtuh
penanaman pokok pokok
kemudahan untuk orang kurang upaya
We list down of the expenditure headings as found in the DBKL Budget document to sort of suggest to residents to look out for any such need in their place for repair, upgrade whatever and then blog them under this posting for us to collate. It would be useful detailed location of the repair, upgrade be indicated too.
Of course residents could feedback other related issues not just confined those listed below:-
menaikpulih jalan dan longkang
mempertingkatkan lorong lorong sisi dan belakang
menaiktaraf siarkaki, pemasangan lampu-lampu awam di lorong lorong belakang
kerja memperkukuhkan cerun-cerun tanah runtuh
penanaman pokok pokok
kemudahan untuk orang kurang upaya
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Residents Feedback - General
In early April 2011, DBKL held a seminar for all registered residents associations in Kuala Lumpur City for dissemination of few important policies of the government.
As a follow-up we invited YB Lim Lip Eng (Segambut MP), Segambut Area Manager of DBKL, and our counterparts in Tmn Manjalara and Sunway SPK to discuss the DBKL Budget 2011 with the view of developing within the residents associations some form of mechanism to gather residents feedback and submit them to DBKL for inclusion into the city budgetary planning in future.
Consistent with the RA Objectives, we now create a few postings to gather residents feedback, it would be ideal that this blog could manage to pull together all sorts of views, demands, criticisms, compliments and most of all suggestions how to make Tmn Bkt Maluri a better place to live.
For that purpose we shall list down some of the city's budgetary headings for residents reference when making suggestions
As a follow-up we invited YB Lim Lip Eng (Segambut MP), Segambut Area Manager of DBKL, and our counterparts in Tmn Manjalara and Sunway SPK to discuss the DBKL Budget 2011 with the view of developing within the residents associations some form of mechanism to gather residents feedback and submit them to DBKL for inclusion into the city budgetary planning in future.
Consistent with the RA Objectives, we now create a few postings to gather residents feedback, it would be ideal that this blog could manage to pull together all sorts of views, demands, criticisms, compliments and most of all suggestions how to make Tmn Bkt Maluri a better place to live.
For that purpose we shall list down some of the city's budgetary headings for residents reference when making suggestions
Perbelanjaan Pembangunan Penyelenggaraan Infrastruktur Kemudahan Taman Taman Peruntukan bagi Kegiatan Sosial dan Kemasyarakatan Kemudahan Rekreasi dan Dewan Orang Ramai
Thursday, May 19, 2011
We have a very unusual phenomenon happening in Sintar area this Tuesday morning, fogging at 4 am in the morning. It is easily recognisable because of the noise it makes.
A resident felt very uneasy about it not just because of the wee hour but more importantly whilst the motor pump was heard there was no smell of mosquito spray nor was any white fog seen.
That being the case we complained to DBKL Hotline, a day later their Jabatan Kesihatan phoned back to confirm it was NOT an approved practice and got reason to believe the culprits may be up to no good, and recommended that we apprehend them. We politely pointed to that En Harun we cannot do so.
As a matter of fact the Sintar Security Unit has alerted the police specifically and requested for immediate assistance (to question them) should they try again whether or not it's daytime or night time
A resident felt very uneasy about it not just because of the wee hour but more importantly whilst the motor pump was heard there was no smell of mosquito spray nor was any white fog seen.
That being the case we complained to DBKL Hotline, a day later their Jabatan Kesihatan phoned back to confirm it was NOT an approved practice and got reason to believe the culprits may be up to no good, and recommended that we apprehend them. We politely pointed to that En Harun we cannot do so.
As a matter of fact the Sintar Security Unit has alerted the police specifically and requested for immediate assistance (to question them) should they try again whether or not it's daytime or night time
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Calling Dog Owners
We have received a lot of complaints about dog shits; it is disclosed that some of the places the situation have become so bad that it is no longer possible to walk there without dirtying the shoes, or drive there without running over the poops, and worst of all bring the shit right back to the car porch.
It is also a common knowledge that dogs because of its instinct go back to the same spot to defecate but it is indeed the dog owners who choose not to do the clean-up are THE BIGGEST CULPRITS.
Whilst we obviously respect residents' rights to keep pets, to keep their house compound clean but we also expect those residents to respect others' desire to have their surroundings clean so that their children can freely walk around, or drive up to their own porch without worrying about dog shit on the tyres.
We therefore appeal to dog owners to scoop the dogs' poops.
It is also a common knowledge that dogs because of its instinct go back to the same spot to defecate but it is indeed the dog owners who choose not to do the clean-up are THE BIGGEST CULPRITS.
Whilst we obviously respect residents' rights to keep pets, to keep their house compound clean but we also expect those residents to respect others' desire to have their surroundings clean so that their children can freely walk around, or drive up to their own porch without worrying about dog shit on the tyres.
We therefore appeal to dog owners to scoop the dogs' poops.
Friday, February 25, 2011
NOTICE is hereby given that our Inaugural Annual General Meeting shall be held on 20th March 2011 (Sunday) at 6.00 pm at the Community Hall (Jln Brg Kasawari) which agenda is as follows:-
首届会员常年大会將在三月廿日(下午六点) 举行。议程如下
Chairman Opening Address 主席欢迎词
Presentation of Annual Report 活动报告
Presentation & Approval of Annual Account 财政报告
Proposed Constitution Amendment提议修改章程
Election of 2011 Committee Members 改选委员会
Dialogue Session 交谈会
Members’ concerns (if any) should be advised in writing in order that they are formally discussed in the relevant agenda items or in the Dialogue Session.
Only duly completed Nomination Forms received before 7th March 2011 are accepted; members may choose to e-mail the form or deliver it to the Community Hall (letter box or its adjacent guard house).
会员若有任何意见或不滿的事项, 委员会欢迎书面方式回饋。
只是在三月七日之前收到的填妥的表格將会接纳为改选用途; 会员可电邮或將表格送回民众会堂(其信箱或附近守卫亭既可)。
By order of the Executive Committee
首届会员常年大会將在三月廿日(下午六点) 举行。议程如下
Chairman Opening Address 主席欢迎词
Presentation of Annual Report 活动报告
Presentation & Approval of Annual Account 财政报告
Proposed Constitution Amendment提议修改章程
Election of 2011 Committee Members 改选委员会
Dialogue Session 交谈会
Members’ concerns (if any) should be advised in writing in order that they are formally discussed in the relevant agenda items or in the Dialogue Session.
Only duly completed Nomination Forms received before 7th March 2011 are accepted; members may choose to e-mail the form or deliver it to the Community Hall (letter box or its adjacent guard house).
会员若有任何意见或不滿的事项, 委员会欢迎书面方式回饋。
只是在三月七日之前收到的填妥的表格將会接纳为改选用途; 会员可电邮或將表格送回民众会堂(其信箱或附近守卫亭既可)。
By order of the Executive Committee
Friday, January 14, 2011
相信会员己经从报章上知悉政府批准保安守卫员的底薪, 保安公司將向他们的客戶调高费率。有关当局没有在报章上透露保安公司惯例用守卫底薪为单位趁机也提高客戶须付他们公司内勤幕后员工, 股东等的开销。那么一来, 我们不单多付守卫员, 也要多付公管理層包括执照持有者。
引用公司最新标价, 每个守卫的每月费用將是RM2,017.39 比现在的费用多出19巴仙。虽然筹委作了不少奔跑去反影我们的不滿, 到头来也在无选择的情形下被迫” 接受” 新的费率。
很庆幸在最近的特别会员交谈会, 会员们投票同意以下策略和计划, 来提醒保安公司我们消费的权力:-
1. 作为最強的抗议, 我们將暂停保安巡逻;
2. 既使要復办保安巡逻, 我们将顧请少些守卫並严历管制他们工作效率, 所谓一定要物有所值,
3. 探讨如何與其他附近住宅区合作減少开支。
马鲁里花园的其中六个住宅区己经签了一份谅解備忘錄个别採取同一行动, 所以会员也无须过份担心在暂停期间我们将是唯一的沒守卫的地带。
在这次特别会员交谈会, 我们也表决暂时不提高会员费, 虽然那五十令吉的费额已经是六年没调整过。不过希望通过会员的影响, 鼓励更多邻居参于保安巡逻计划。
由于年关将到, 筹委决定在15/2/2011暂停保安巡逻一个星期; 假如保安公司不減低费率我们只顧用六或七个守卫罷了(如今是九个)。
在暂停保安巡逻期间, 会员们请多多留意门戶, 若发觉不良份子请报警, 会员也可以在守亭填写投诉表格, 筹委将通过部落格tbmra2010.blogspot.com 给会员最新发展报告。
筹委衷心向会员致歉, 不便之处请包涵, 虽然我们己尽了可能来阻止这些不公平的生意手法。
Blog by Sintar Residents Association
Members would have by now read in the newspaper about the final approval (by the Cabinet) for guards companies to increase the wages of their guards. In order these companies could do so they would have to charge their customers (like us) more. What was apparently omitted in the newspapers is that aspect of gross-up of the guards’ wages by as high as 30% to cover the companies’ management expense; this really means we the customers are NOT only paying the guards higher wages but much more to the management and shareholders of the guards companies.
Using the latest quotation of our existing guards company, they are asking for RM2,017.39 for each guard (an increase of RM326.47 (19%) from what we are now paying, i.e. RM1,690.92). In anticipation of this sharp increase we had resorted to various means to protest, but unfortunately of little or no impact at all.
However our members have in the Special Members’ Dialogue on 2nd January 2011 voted to exercise our rights as consumers and mandated the Pro-tem Committee the followings:-
1. As the strongest possible protest we would suspend security patrol service temporarily; (see below for the IMPORTANT date)
2. In resuming the security patrol service we might be compelled to engage lesser guards in accordance to our financial capability and also review their duty & responsibility accordingly;
3. To explore closer co-operation with neighbouring residential sectors to save cost (or share the burden of the increase).
Please note 6 of the 8 residential sectors in Tmn Bkt Maluri had signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to take the same stand, so we do not need to feel unduly uncomfortable that we are the only affected area.
The Special Members’ Dialogue also decided not to increase at this stage the member fees (which had not been revised for 6 years now) but would appeal to members to influence their neighbours to join in the patrol scheme so that we could still continue the scheme in longer term.
In view of impending Chinese New Year, your Pro-tem Committee has decided to suspend security patrol service for one week from 15th February; after that if the guard company is still not prepared to reduce their quote we shall engage 6 or 7 guards (as compared to 9 now).
During the period of suspension, members are advised to be more vigilant and report any suspicious characters to the police, in any event members are welcome to provide feedback using the complaint forms available at the guard houses. We will keep members posted in our blog tbmra2010.blogspot.com .
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